
Your PLACE In the World



Career Guidance

Discover your PLACE In The World

Explore educational and vocational choices that naturally fit you.

Why is career guidance important?

  • 70-80% of college students change their major in college.
  • 70% of Americans do not like their job. Cooperating with core of “who you are” leads to a more fulfilling career.
  • “The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself” –Thales.   We offer a solution!
  • Life is short and goes by quickly.  We offer an opportunity to make the most of the years.

When is a good time to use P.L.A.C.E?

We believe all students in their high school or college years would benefit greatly from P.L.A.C.E. Career Guidance as they are making educational and vocational plans with their parent(s).   Our philosophy is to see individuals discover a future direction for their lives as early as possible.  However, we have helped people in all stages of life who are thinking about their career paths, so the right time to begin P.L.A.C.E. is NOW!  Now is the time to make the most of the years ahead.

How will I benefit?

  • Save time and emotional energy when deciding on a future direction
  • Gain clarity and confidence about your future and your value
  • Realize your key personality traits, core interests, natural abilities, and vocational needs
  • Save money on costly tuition by choosing a major that fits you, the first time
  • Discover more fulfillment and success in your vocational path

What should I expect? 

Along with an overview of our P.L.A.C.E. process, you will complete a simple background questionnaire.  Then you will experience an easy-to-take, online assessment in the comfort of your home, followed by an enjoyable and insightful consultation lasting about 2 hours.  You will also have several follow-up guidance sessions to help you move forward.  Consultations and follow-up sessions will be done on premises if local; however, the service is also available via Skype for those who are not in the area.

Who will be guiding me?

Greg Vadala is a Certified Career Consultant, Certified Behavioral Consultant, and Certified Master Life Coach.  Having journeyed as a pastor and spiritual director as well, he has been involved in guiding people forward
in their lives for more than 30 years.


What are clients saying about this service?

P.L.A.C.E. Career Guidance | Phone: 201-788-6400